We help start-ups cross the chasm from idea to early success, and further to long-lasting growth.
Great products, services and even companies have started with a good idea. Agnesis designs the idea experimentation process and helps companies manage experimentation, based on our idea experimentation framework.
We make sure that what you want to provide to the world is designed specifically for what people want using experimentation, prototyping and validation methods for your value proposition.
To build the right thing and to build the thing right is a process that many organizations find challenging. That is why here at Agnesis we use technology as a tool to meet real human needs.
All new businesses need funding. Some need more than others. Start-ups should be ready to pitch anytime. Our consultants make sure your application process is smooth and painless.
Scaling up is a marathon, so many entrepreneurs feel burned out in the process. Agnesis will offer a carefully selected range of resources and industry examples to help guide entrepreneurs through industry best practices.